Welcome to the new Teletalk offer 2018.Teletalk now offers 300 MB internet at only Tk 43. Internet data validity is 10 Days.
Teletalk 300 MB internet at only Tk 43
Teletalk 300 MB internet at only Tk 43

Ask and answer about the 300 MB internet at only Tk 43 offer:

1. What kind of product?
Weekly Internet Pack

2. How to subscribe a customer?
Customers can purchase the pack by dialing * 111 * 513 #

3. Can any customer avail this offer?
yes,All prepaid & postpaid subscribers will be able to subscribe the above data package

4. What are the benefits of the offer?
Subscribers can enjoy the following benefits:

Teletalk 300 MB internet at only Tk 43
Teletalk 300 MB internet at only Tk 43

5. Will this money be added to the customer's main account?

6. When can the customer enjoy this offer?
Subscribers can enjoy this offer any time during the campaign.

7. How long does it take to get the internet pack?
Since this pack has to be purchased by dialing * 111 * 513 #, so can be found immediately.

8. How many times can customer purchase the  offer?
Customers will be able to enjoy this offer as often as possible during the campaign.

9. How do customers know about the offer?
customers can know via  Digital Communication or sms.

অন্য অফার: Airtel 4 TK 512 MB

10. How do customers know about  the offer is active?
Customers will get a confirmation sms if they are successfully refilled.

11. How much  charge will be applicable before or after the Internet balance is over?
Customers will be charged in PPU / PEGA rate or any other internet offer.

  • অফারটির মেয়াদ শেষ হয়ে গেলে  pay-per-use policy চালু হয়ে যাবে।Pay-per-use ডাটা রেট  1 KB/0.00102 টাকা.
  • Teletalk বান্ডেলের প্যাকেজটির ভলিউম চেক করতে ডায়াল করুন   * 152 # অথবা U লিখে সেন্ড করুন 111 নাম্বারে। 

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